Categories: 素食新聞

[新聞] 素食防癌法:預防前列腺癌症死亡(雙語)

Men with prostate cancer who follow a vegan lifestyle are more likely to recover from the disease than men who have both products from both plant and animal sources in their meals. Prostate cancer is the number one killer of men in several countries in the West. The disease starts in the prostate gland, which is located beside the urethra.


Many people switch to a vegan diet to help with cancer prevention. Every year in many countries across the world, millions of people die from different forms of cancer. While women battle with cervical and breast cancer, for men, the highest number of deaths comes from prostate cancer.

Vegan Diet Cancer Prevention: DRE Can Detect Abnormalities in the Prostate Gland

Many men are wary of doing the digital rectal exam, which can be used to detect abnormalities in the prostate gland. There are cultural issues that prevent them from doing regular checks. In addition to this, many men do not want to find out that something really is wrong.

Doctors have now started to train spouses to do the test. Many women have had lumps in their breast detected by their husband or partner. Men may be able to catch abnormalities in the prostate gland early by having their wife do a check.

Vegan Diet Cancer Prevention: DRE Versus PSA

People may fear the results of this test but an enlarged prostate is not necessarily a sign of cancer. The PSA is an even more accurate test than the digital rectal exam. However doctors will usually recommend the PSA test after they pick up on an abnormality in the prostate gland during an exam or a man complains of specific symptoms.
人們也許害怕檢查結果,但是,前列腺增生並不一定是癌症的標誌。 PSA是一種比直腸指檢更精確的檢測方法。然而,在檢查過程中,或者當男性抱怨一些特定症狀時,醫生通常才會建議PSA檢查。

Vegan Diet Cancer Prevention: Decrease the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Seeing your doctor at least once a year, getting regular exams and following a healthy lifestyle can help you to keep this illness at bay. Men who keep themselves ready to fight this disease are more likely to survive prostate cancer. There are a number of procedures that can be done to preserve life if the disease is caught early.

Studies show that a vegan diet helps fight cancer. This is because plants contain phytochemicals, which help to fight cancer. A vegan diet has many other benefits too. It can help to reduce your cholesterol. It can also help you to manage other conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Persons may sometimes switch cold turkey to a vegan diet or make gradual changes such as accompanying main dishes with salads with a healthy salad dressing or none at all.
研 究表明,素食有助於抗擊癌症。這是因為植物中含有的化學物質有助於抗擊癌症。素食還有很多其他的好處。它可以降低膽固醇。它還可以幫助你管理其他身體狀 況,比如高血壓和心髒病。人們有時會轉變飲食方式,從吃冰冷的火雞到素食主義,或者合著沙拉,循序漸進地做出改變,沙拉有時伴有健康的沙拉醬,有時沒有。

The death rate from cancer in people who follow a vegan lifestyle is less than 75% that of the rate in people who have food from both plant and animal sources. People with several different types of cancer can benefit from switching to a vegan diet. For example, vegans are less likely to develop colon cancer than people who eat food from animal sources.

本文來源 英語新聞報道


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